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Product# PP2
Price: US $489.00
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Dunn's Pond Pack (Submerged Weed Control)

Submerged Vegetation is common and can be a problem with most pond or lake managers. Some vegetation is native to an area although birds can bring unwanted vegetation from other regions. The best time to treat is spring when water temperatures begin to rise. Keep in mind when treating vegetation, oxygen levels can drop. Aeration will be important during this time. Click here for more information on aerating your pond. Dunn's Fish Farm has put together these proven products to give you the edge. Spend less time treating your pond and more time fishing and enjoying your pond.

Dunn's Pond Pack Submerged Weed Control consists of:

  • Sonar Q (8lb Pail)
  • Biocycle Algastat(1 gallon)
  • Aquashade(1 gallon)

These products have proven successful against many types of Submerged Vegetation including Southern Naiad, Milfoil and Hydrilla. Need help identifying algae and vegetation visit our Vegetation Identification Page for the most common types of Pond & Lake vegetation. Click Here...

This combination of products will generally treat 1/2 to 1 acre depending on pond depth.

How & When to use these products..

  1. Aquashade should be used first in this process, early spring is best. Aquashade is a blend of blue and yellow dyes specifically designed to screen or shade portions of the sunlight spectrum (red-orange and blue-violet) required by underwater aquatic plant and algae growth.
  2. Biocycle Algastat is a two phase water conditioner with barley extract. Biocycle is best used when water temperatures begin to rise in early spring. As the Sonar Q is working and killing exising vegetation, nutrient levels rise which can bring on an algae bloom. Nonmetallic pigment base, screens out specific sun rays interrupting photosynthesis. Live reproducing microbes out compete algae for available nutrients in the water. Used in a structured maintenance program algal blooms are minimized and less frequent during warm months.
  3. Sonar Q The Sonar Q pellet begins the degradation process immediately upon contact with the water. Once submerged the Sonar Quick Release pellet swells and expands, transforming the pellet into a buoyant composition that will rest on top of soft muck bottom sediments. Sonar Q has the efficient concentration level of a liquid, but provides for more accurate placement. The pellets will land where they are thrown, eliminating overspray onto sensitive shoreline vegetation like lawns.